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Postgraduate studies

1.5. Biological sciences

Scientific specialties:

1.5.15. Ecology

1.5.19. Soil science


Form of study - full-time. Duration of study is 4 years.

Training is funded by the federal budget.

A stipend is paid.

Persons with higher education (Master's or Specialist's degree) are accepted.


Acceptance of documents: July 3 - August 31, 2023

Entrance exams: September 4 - 15.

Start of the academic year: October 1, 2023

Programs of entrance exams to postgraduate studies, a list of documents for study and other information are presented on the website of the FRC PSCBI RAS

in the "Postgraduate Studies" section (Applicant): https://www.pbcras.ru/education/aspirantura/postuplenie/



10 and 1 more reasons to join us:

Budgetary education at the Federal Research Center "Pushchino Scientific Center for Biological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
Individual approach to training and research work.
Unique original lecture courses from teachers with many years of experience in research work.
Modern teaching methods, valuable practical experience when working on a PhD dissertation in research laboratory teams.
Conducting fundamental and applied research on relevant topics, in priority areas of scientific research in the laboratories of RAS institutes.
The opportunity to conduct experiments on the latest and unique equipment using modern information technologies.
Scientific interaction and exchange of skills with other academic institutes of the science city of Pushchino.
The results of the work of postgraduate and master's students are reported at Russian and international conferences.
Publications in scientific journals, in Russian and foreign highly rated journals.
In-demand promising professions.

10+1. Postgraduate graduates are in demand in state and commercial institutions with a biological profile in the field of development and operation of modern methods, devices and equipment.


Employment of graduates of biological specialties in scientific laboratories for the duration of their studies and on a permanent basis (if there are vacancies).


Moscow region, Pushchino, Institutskaya st., bldg. 2, office 217 BON.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Svetlana Aleksandrovna Kruglova

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Elena Vladimirovna Zubkova