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The Institute of Physical Chemistry and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences is participating in the implementation of the Most Important Innovative Project of National Importance (VIP NSI)

The aim of the project is to develop a national system for monitoring carbon pools and greenhouse gas flows in the territory of the Russian Federation based on the integration of ground-based measurement data and the creation of a system for recording data on greenhouse gas flows and the carbon budget in terrestrial ecosystems.

Scientists have assessed the impact of climate on the migration of chemical elements in semiarid soils

A 700 km long soil transect in the south of the Russian Plain has been studied
A group of geologists, geographers and soil scientists from Pushchino has conducted a large comprehensive study devoted to the influence of climate on the chemical composition of chestnut and brown semi-desert (semiarid) soils.

Research on the evolution of soils and landscape-climatic changes in the Bronze Age for the steppe of the Kuban-Azov plain was conducted based on the study of a large burial mound

The soils buried under an archaeological monument - a burial mound of the Bronze Age, on the Kuban-Azov plain were studied. The mound had three different constructions, built over a time interval from 4500 to 3600 years ago, under which the soils that formed a pedochronoseries were buried.